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Joe, you saw our garage (stable converted) but we cannot say enough about insulation. I placed the heaviest mill sheating I could find for what I concreted but wish the rest had been done as well due to moisture. What John had the foresight to do for his floor is quite commendable. Those dehumidifiers eat the electric up..... Not sure if you can but orientation can play also as its always nice to have the back wall facing north with no windows or doors. Our ceiling is 12' 4" so our 2 post lift was a breeze. Insulated garage doors are a must! Thinking of your heat source will be one of the many things to decide on before starting IMO. Since ours was already built we added a ceiling Reznor 75K propane heater to the one side which works nicely but if building from scratch I'd be considering other heat sources. Also added alarm system and heat pods for notifying in case of fire. Helps with insurance as well....Gotta love all those horses in just a couple stalls....