Author Topic: Dad just got a '67.  (Read 11478 times)


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Re: Dad just got a '67.
« Reply #15 on: October 20, 2012, 01:49:52 PM »
Congratulations to your dad for owning the best year of the bunch. Sweet ride and love the color. I would seriously concidering adding the black vinyl top back  to this car. I see that it is a LA built car. A friend of my has a LA car and he found his uoit sheet above the headliner. When I went to look for mine I borrowed one of those snake cameras from a friend and took the sun visor down and snaked it through the hole but I didn't find one.
 How about some more pics with the interior.  
67 rs/ss L48 w/headrest org.37k
67 rs/ss L35 w/headrest project
67 rs/ss L35 w/smog org 78k
67 rs/ss L78 O-O -L201C
68 rs/vert L89