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Messages - xandf

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the response, Roy. This is good insight into the sorting and locating process. I'll stay tuned

Just got my refund for 9N707541. I've been glued to this thread since it started. I appreciate all the efforts by yourself
and others to accomplish this task. My question is, did I just get lucky to be one of the missing (random) or does it seem that other October 1969 build cars will also be missing? I guess my real question is whether mine might still have some hope to be found? Thanks again.

General Discussion / Re: CRG t-shirt results
« on: March 17, 2013, 02:23:32 AM »
Kingsley, MI
1 XL
Print on back

General Discussion / Re: 67 Z28's
« on: February 27, 2013, 01:05:33 AM »
602 is the only number I'd ever heard of. Just goes to show, don't believe everything you read in a car magazine
until you can prove or disprove such.  Plenty of rumors out there.

General Discussion / Re: 67 Z28's
« on: February 27, 2013, 12:24:29 AM »
 It's hard to believe everything that get's published, but I'm betting with the wealth of knowledge on here
there will be an answer of some kind.

General Discussion / 67 Z28's
« on: February 26, 2013, 11:31:24 PM »
Ran across a statement in a car magazine that made me curious if true . Partially quoted it is "with only 602 sold out of 1,002
produced for 1967."  If this is correct, what happened to the 400 unsold cars ?  Were they sold later as 68's or what ?

General Discussion / Re: Zl-2 Cowl Hood Production
« on: February 14, 2013, 01:58:12 AM »
 I have questioned the cowl hood ever since owning this car, so went to get a number or not tonight. Came up with a 34 stamp under layers of paint. 10E  X77 car.  Would like opinions as to whether this is a 34 since the first digit is hard to read clearly.  I have another question about the 302 emblems, but didn't want to hijack the thread for anything else.

General Discussion / Re: Are these in the database?
« on: August 15, 2011, 12:44:50 AM »
Thanks for the feedback on these numbers, Kurt. As I ponder this a little, just wondering how many 1969 Z's might be in the database as I'm thinking that somebody (maybe you, but my memory could be faulty) referred to the fact of having info on approx 17,000 cars or more. I know that roughly 20,000 Z's were built for the 1969 model year and curious how many real cars are felt to exist yet.  Both of these VIN's are verifiable as I still have engine/trans from the early car and BU rear axle was sold years ago. The late car's numbers all line up with the build tag, hidden locations, and BU rear axle.


General Discussion / Are these in the database?
« on: August 12, 2011, 12:28:01 AM »
Looking to see if these might somehow be in your database. 124379N506156 was a green RS Z28 (wrecked) that had to be removed from my parents backyard I'm guessing around 1979 and as far as I know went to the junkyard after I parted it out. Still have lots of regrets about that to this day. 124379N707541 that I currently own is a Dusk blue X77 car that I've had since 1993.
Any info on either would be great, but especially on 707541.


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