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Messages - caddyguy

Pages: [1]
Decoding/Numbers / Re: Cowl Tag X Codes.
« on: December 23, 2009, 02:21:57 PM »
Thanks for the help. I think I am going to pass on this car.

Decoding/Numbers / Re: Cowl Tag X Codes.
« on: December 22, 2009, 08:48:04 PM »
Here is a pic of the cowl tag. Is it possible for a Z28 to be built in Van Nuys?

Decoding/Numbers / Re: Cowl Tag X Codes.
« on: December 22, 2009, 01:14:20 AM »
Thanks guys! I will try to post a pic of the cowl tag.

Decoding/Numbers / Cowl Tag X Codes.
« on: December 21, 2009, 10:22:55 PM »
Hi, I am new to the group. I am trying to purchase a 69 Z28.  I do not want to get ripped off. The cowl tag and the VIN indicate that the car was built in L.A. The vin is 124379L xxxxxx . The cowl tag shows body VN316602  with a X77 code stamped on it. Can a X code Z28 come from the L.A. Plant? All that info I found shows X codes only from the NOR plant. Can this be correct? The car matches the rest of the paint and trim codes on the cowl tag.  Thanks.   Gary.

The cowl tag shows.       ST6912437  VN316602
                                    TR712       72 72 PNT
                                        04B           X77         

Pages: [1]