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Messages - docs692121

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Decoding/Numbers / Re: I have a 12 bolt question
« on: November 16, 2007, 01:32:13 PM »
Thanks for the info guys;
I have had this unit for over 30 currently has a GM high impact 4:88 posi unit with stock axles. The gears still have some of the yellow coating on them because it has not been used hardly any. It has never been welded or cut on. I am ttrying to track down the info I need before I sell it.

Decoding/Numbers / Re: I have a 12 bolt question
« on: November 14, 2007, 07:15:55 PM »
Yes, that is correct; I was recalling from memory but the number is 3969341NF.
Axle says  C BM 0624 G 2  {3:31 non-posi}; date code looks like B50.

Thanks for the reply.

Decoding/Numbers / I have a 12 bolt question
« on: November 14, 2007, 01:27:02 PM »
I have a multi-leaf 12 bolt posi rear end to sell but I need to know if the following casting number is for a Camaro or not; 3696341NF.

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