« on: November 02, 2014, 02:53:10 PM »
Interesting! VR-30 was a Tactical Support Squadron. Don't think a pilot would buy a 307 3 speed but here is some 1969 history for VR-30:
1. April 21, 1969. CDR 15. J. RFJ.SRDy USN, became the squadron's
Executive Officer, replacing CDR W. D. CALHOUN, US.
2. May 29, 1969. CDR L. A. SCHOEW, USN, relieved CJR T. PI. BOGART,
USN, as squadron Commanding Officer.
3. CDR G. B. BAIUY, USWR, remained squadron Operations Officer
throughout the year.
June 27, to August 1, 1969, the squadron sent a detachment of two
C-1A aircraft onboard the USS HORNET (CVS-12) to assist in the Apollo
Eleven recovery.
5. August 20, 1969, the squadron was called unon, and responded to a
request to provide an a i r l i f t r e l i e f t o victims of Hurricane "Camille."
6. October 27 to December 3, 1969, the squadroa sent three C-1.A aircraft
as a detachmert onboard the USS HORNET (CVS-12) to assist in the Apollo
Twelve recovery.
7. October 11 to December 24, 1969, C-lA aircraft and pilots were sent
to Danang, Republic of Viet Nam, to supplement the "COD aircraft
shortage due to the grounding of the C-2A aircraft.