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Messages - mike396

Pages: [1]
Restoration / Re: 1969 convertible trunk floor
« on: October 15, 2006, 11:35:42 PM »
These are larger dents about the size of the pick end of a body hammer. They are located right above the pass.side drain plug. I think you can see the same dents on a post from Buick GS on the restoration of his trunk floor. I saw them right before I wrote this so maybe I answered my own question. Take a look see what you think. I will try to get a picture posted as soon as i can figure out how to do it. Thanks

Restoration / 1969 convertible trunk floor
« on: October 14, 2006, 02:15:13 AM »
there are small round dents located in the back of my trunk floor roughly in the area where the traverse muffler is located. These are randomly located . Are these from the factory or just damage from almost 40 years of use? I thought i saw the same marks on the trunk floor of an e-bay picture. I need to replace the trunk floor and am wondering if i need to duplicate them. thanks

Originality / Re: Trans tunnel cutting at factory
« on: January 06, 2006, 02:42:36 AM »
I have a 69 convertible with a 4-speed and it has a torched hole. I am in the process of replacing the floors but I kept this section for refrence. I will most likely use my plumbing torch and a dull axe to duplicate the hole.

Restoration / Re: Engine numbers
« on: January 06, 2006, 01:57:39 AM »
Thanks for the help guys, Hopefully when I tear the motor down it will not need to be decked. If it does at least I have options.

Restoration / Engine numbers
« on: January 05, 2006, 02:31:51 AM »
I have 1969 SS convertible, 396 4-speed. The engine is a 325hp L-35. The partial vin is correct on the lower part of the block as well as the engine numbers on the front pad. My question is when the engine is sent out to the machine shop, if the block is decked and the engine numbers are removed will this effect the proof I need to prove originality? Or will the partial vin be all that is needed.

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