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Messages - Canadian Z/28

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General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: April 12, 2022, 11:50:35 AM »
When David finally called me back after five attempts to reach him I explained what I was looking for and asked him if he had consigned the car on behalf of the gentleman I sold it to. David explained to me that he did not consign the car, that he had purchased it and many others from the same gentleman it was easier that way! I then told him how much the car meant to me and offered to pay him his standard commission at which time he asked me what was I willing to pay. I asked him for his guidance as to what he felt the car was worth? He did not offer any help whatsoever and said that I had called him. I then asked what 1969Z 28 were selling for at this time. Again he said you called me! I again asked him for his help trying to determine what an open headlight rare colour combination 1969 Ze 28 was worth as I am not in the car business. He said that he had no idea what these types of cars were worth as he had not sold one in a long time. I then commented that they had had several on their website over the past several months and years and therefore maybe we could start their period David said look, you called me and this gentleman is a multimillionaire who has a extensive collection and is in no need of selling any of the cartons. I begged him for his help and when he said there was nothing he could do to help me and was not willing to reach out to this gentleman unless I was willing to write a check for an exorbitant amount  I told them that I suppose there is no way I will ever on the car again!

General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: April 07, 2022, 12:46:44 AM »
I have come to a dead end. I spoke with David Griffith of Legendary Motorcar yesterday and he admitted to knowing the whereabouts of my old car! Before I had a chance to get excited he informed me that he personally had sold the car to a VERY wealthy collector in the U.S. and if I wanted it back I would have to make an offer. I asked him what a reasonable price would be and he simply said that I called him and it was up to me to make a substantial offer which he would then take to the owner. He would not share the name or whereabouts of the car and was very rude when I asked for his assistance. I thanked him and apologized for wasting his time. End of conversation and my dream. 🥲

General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: March 24, 2022, 11:47:12 AM »
I spoke with the original owner many years ago and if memory serves me correct he said it was removed during the restoration process and never found.

General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: March 24, 2022, 02:09:36 AM »
Thank you all for the support. I am going to try Facebook and any other means necessary to find my old car. I have met so many wonderful people through this hobby and I am grateful for everyone’s efforts!

General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: March 23, 2022, 11:45:30 AM »
Good morning Kurt, you are correct! Neither the drivetrain or the trim tag are original to the car. The owner was up front about the history of the car when he sold it to me. I too passed along everything I knew about the car when I sold it. Every car has history and this tuxedo black Z/28 is no different. Neither of these made a difference to me as the car was essentially original and very solid. Where was the car listed for sale 11 years ago? Do you recall? Maybe that would be a good place for me to start my search. Thank you again for everyone’s help!

General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: March 21, 2022, 02:50:14 PM »
You guys are awesome! You have incredible memories and that is why I am now asking for your help! That is most definitely the same car and Ken R. was the previous owner. You are 100% correct about the drive train, it was changed many times and the car had been drag raced and still possessed the racing seat belts, line lock, and several other racing related items when I purchased it. The overall integrity of the car had not been affected by its racing history. The car was a clean rust free vehicle which only required refurbishing and detail work. The interior was all original and had not been cut or damaged in any way. Does anyone know the whereabouts of the car today?

General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: March 20, 2022, 10:31:21 PM »
No I have not tried the ministry. That is a very good idea however it will only tell me if the car still remains in Ontario. I suspect the car is now in the United States. Hopefully someone will share the whereabouts. It is an awesome looking car for sure!

General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: March 20, 2022, 02:57:38 PM »
That’s a great idea Steve! The VIN is 124379N684682

General Discussion / Re: Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: March 20, 2022, 01:54:08 PM »
Good morning Leonard, thank you very much. I am certain that someone on this site has knowledge of where my car is now. The current owner may not have any intention of selling the vehicle however it would be great to speak with them and know that my old car is being cared for. I think almost everyone here has sold something they wish they had never had to! This 69 Z/28 is that one for me!

General Discussion / Rare Tuxedo black/Orange houndstooth Z/28
« on: March 20, 2022, 12:50:23 PM »
Good morning folks, it has been a long time since I last posted anything on the internet. A lot has happened in my life and through the support of family and friends I have managed to regain the passion I had lost for this incredible hobby. I am hoping someone here knows the whereabouts of my old Canadian documented tuxedo black/ white stripe orange houndstooth 1969 Z/28. I owned the car for many years and was forced to sell it in the fall of 2009. I would dearly like to buy the car back! And help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much to the CRG for allowing me to be a member and share my quest to one day be reunited with a car that means more than you can imagine to me and my family!
Canadian Z/28

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