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Messages - GI JOE

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General Discussion / Re: Beware 9N675878 DZ/Title/Tags for sale
« on: June 14, 2011, 09:11:11 PM »
I doubt that block and cowl tag even came together in the same car....   

General Discussion / Re: Last 1969 convertible
« on: June 12, 2011, 10:11:54 PM »
Thanks guys, my BS detector was not wrong after all.   

« on: June 12, 2011, 03:02:18 AM »
Best advice - GM did different things from car to car, shift to shift, day to day, etc... so if you restore your car based on what you find on your car you will be correct.  Even if it is worn away and can't be seen how can you be sure it was there?   

General Discussion / Re: Valve Cover Gasket
« on: June 12, 2011, 02:22:13 AM »
I use Mr. gasket cork... I found them better than the rubber a long time ago... (not sure if the rubber ones have improved)

I use a thin coat of blue Permatex sealer on the valve cover side with the cork and nothing on the engine side.  That way they stay in place and when I adjust the valves on my BB they come off with the valve cover and go back on with no trouble of aligning the gasket and no oil leaks.  GI JOE

General Discussion / Re: Last 1969 convertible
« on: June 12, 2011, 02:04:11 AM »
So does this guy have a real GM brass tag??? (...and how would one verify that?)  ???  ???

IF that's a real brass GM tag, Did GM possibly think that this was to be last car??? ... or is this guy wearing psychedelic glasses trying to sell his car?? LOL  8)

General Discussion / Last 1969 convertible
« on: June 12, 2011, 12:47:09 AM »

This eBay seller claims he has the last 1969 Norwood convertible made and a brass plate from GM stating such....  Has this been verified?  I am assuming this may be the last one made for the 1969 production year (Aug 1968 through Aug 1969).   Also I have verified 3 or 4 conv made since Aug 1969 one made in 10E...  i guess the 1970 model run...

Can anyone tell me when Norwood stop and started the model year? I always thought it was ended in July and the new model year started in mid Aug after a two week shut down...

Does the extend 1969 model run VINS have a 9 or a 0 for model year?  JOE 

General Discussion / Re: what are the best Camaro shows
« on: June 10, 2011, 12:04:52 PM »
What shows are coming up this month, June 2011 and next month July 2011?   Can anyone comment on these shows or others?

June 10 - 12, 2011 ------ Oshawa, Ontario, Canada,  Camaro show

June 24-26  --  I heard something about GM nationals being pretty good at Carlise PA,  and also same weekend is the Maryland Camaro show Fredrick, MD Fairgrounds...

July 1 - 3     -- Riverside Park, Ypsilanati, Michigan, Eastern Michigan Camaro Club

July 23? (tentative)- Rt 8 Bakerstown, PA, Pittsburgh Area Camaro Enthsiasts (PACE)

Oct ?, 2011 (tentative) Arnolds Autos, Montauk Hwy, Babylon NY Long Island Camaro Club Show

General Discussion / Re: what are the best Camaro shows
« on: June 10, 2011, 11:42:49 AM »
Thanks Rich... I already know I'll be on duty on the east coast in August.... but knowing there is a great show and where is half the battle.. Thanks again.  JOE

General Discussion / what are the best Camaro shows
« on: June 08, 2011, 02:59:13 AM »
Since I have been out of the loop of Camaro nationals since the USCC dissolved I need you guys to let me know which shows I should try to get to before another year goes by... I can probably figure it out but some feedback will help...

General Discussion / Chevy guys are better than this
« on: June 08, 2011, 02:54:07 AM »
I recently went to a muscle car show with drag racing.. With all the war crap going on since 9/11 and being gone more often than not it was good to get back to something I so love... I was walking around taking photos and talking to many folks all who were happy to tell you about their car, etc... as I walked isle after isle and meeting good guy after next, and really concentrating on the Camaro's I happened upon this restored numbers matching trailer queen Yenko, took some pictures and tried to start a conversation with the owner but no matter what I said the guys attitude was "I'm a Yenko owner holy-er than thou!"  well of course I walked away from the Yenko ear-ring wearing freak...  Then i came across a LA L89 Camaro...and later found him talking with an original L78 Camaro owner giving the guy the business of what was real and isn't deal... Ya know I would think the guy buying the car brand new, as any 1st owner would know what the heck came on his car...especially since he was a gear-head from the day to boot!!! ... now I don;t know everything about what Chevy did or didn't do and I would never want to be taken as such but I know enough to know an original survivor pretty much untouched car when I see one... so I actually had to speak up and point out stuff to shut this know it all guy off.... shheezzz

 You know I sure hope that this hobby has not evolved into what car you have... matter of fact I see it as we are just care takers of a great Chevy man made machines. Those of us who were gear-heads back in the day running these super cars around and tearing up the tracks and making a name for themselves in the racing grapevine or the guys who have been restoring a car themselves to great show quality are guys who usually are down to earth and great folks.. Good Guys...  and these guys have something to be proud of...  just because you bought a car (and sadly can't even drive it like the Yenko legend it is)... does not make you better than the next guy...

One thing I can say I have met a lot of the who's who in the Chevy world and I can't think of anyone who was not a good down to earth car guy... and they all had time to chat about cars too...  I guess this was bound to happen with the values of these muscle machines... I guess what I really want to point out is to have fun, drive the car as it was meant to be and most of all lets all keep the brother hood of car guys discovering more about our cars...  Life's too short     ....cut in Beach Boys music "This car of mine..."

General Discussion / 1969 L78 Conv registry
« on: May 27, 2011, 09:07:42 PM »
1969 L78 Conv registry

I have been collecting info on L78 cars for years.  I own an original L78 convertible Camaro and would like to link and document all the surviving L78 conv. cars.  I know of a hand full of these cars.   Feel free to contact me.  Thanks,  JOE

General Discussion / Re: Looking for 9N606612
« on: March 28, 2011, 10:17:26 PM »
Here are some tips to help you locate the previous owners.  First since you know where the guy lived, his name and when you bought the car there should be some kind of motor vehicle tax record. These are usually at town hall and are public information...  However, not every state or town operates the same but it is worth looking into... Also the town may have the guys new address for tax reasons...  gotta love those taxes... (sarcastically speaking) but at least they may provide some good. 

Also don't forget to check the phone book and on line name look ups...try using several some are good and others are not and you  may get enough info to know where to find the guy.  Good luck.

For those of you living in Connecticut you may want to go to your town A.S.A.P.  !!!!!    :o

Be polite and ask to see the past motor vehicle tax records.  Then using a digital camera photograph the tax records.  Why??? The state passed some kind of law where the towns can now dispose of the old tax records after 10 years or something like that... if you get to them before they are destroyed and lost forever you can see the cars VIN, address and name of the owner and how much tax, etc... this is a paper trail to locate the previous owners and cars history,...  I was able to locate my Camaro's original owners name this way and eventually found him. 

It helps if you have a starting point or know which town the car owners lived in... but usually most cars didn't travel to far from the starting point, so you may need to visit surrounding towns etc...   GI JOE

General Discussion / Re: Another HUGE boneyard
« on: March 25, 2011, 02:47:48 PM »
DAYCLONA posted this ""That's Juniors place,....nothing but junk, and anything "worth" saving is big $$$$$$, nothing being given away,.....all the "good" mopars have been picked clean decades ago,....dudes wacked, has more junk than one can imagine, and keeps buying more, just to lay there rotting away, pay just to have a "tour" of the place, mostly visited by the "Hemmings Motor News" type of guys taking old rotted beyond belief junk car calender photos,.....these "Nobody Knows of this Yard!!!!", or "He's told to CRUSH EVERYTHING" threads have been going on for years, here and on other sites,....just a way to drum up a few suckers, buyers/tourists to pay the tax bill that year,.....the last guy I knew who bought a "car" out of there, his wallet "walked" pretty far ""  

I have to agree with his statements so save your time and $...

General Discussion / Muncie gears
« on: March 25, 2011, 02:23:33 PM »
Can anyone tell me if today's Muncie gears are as good as the OEM?  Also who has the best gear sets?  Any advice is much appreciated. Thanks.  GI Joe

Originality / Re: Drive shafts
« on: January 08, 2011, 03:39:13 AM »
I do want to share this.. I am kicking myself for not having the sense to take notes  :-\ ...20 years ago by chance I spoke with a factory worker who's job it was to balance the drive shaft assembly so he claimed. I cannot remember his name or everything he told me (he went into a lot of details and knew very much about drive shafts) but I think he told me the paint stripes were how they ID 'd the shaft for engine and trans type plus the balancing and performance level.   ...but it has been 20+years and I can't be absolute about even that... so I am kicking myself...

So hopefully we can all work on this and discover the facts... 

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