CRG Discussion Forum

Camaro Research Group Discussion => Maintenance => Topic started by: althomas55 on March 15, 2025, 12:01:00 AM

Title: Tach repair
Post by: althomas55 on March 15, 2025, 12:01:00 AM
I'm looking for some guidance to get my 68 speedo and tic tok repaired . Is there any preferred specialty vendors for this ? I've got a very bouncy and noisy speedo and a tach that doesn't work with my pointless dist ! thanks
Title: Re: Tach repair
Post by: 169INDY on March 15, 2025, 12:32:44 AM
Instrument Specialties.
It takes a while to get it done. Long Lead time.

Title: Re: Tach repair
Post by: Stingr69 on March 15, 2025, 12:53:55 PM
Gary the Tachman did mine decades ago.  Still working great.
H&H Auto
Call: 1-864-895-4404
Title: Re: Tach repair
Post by: Sauron327 on March 15, 2025, 03:27:57 PM
Speedo issue could be the cable. How did you determine the speedo is defective? Tach may need a filter if it worked with points and not HEI. Or you wired it incorrectly. Lot of rebuilders out there. Do a search, ask other people. I used Bob's Speedo once.
Title: Re: Tach repair
Post by: rich69rs on March 15, 2025, 05:19:49 PM
Instrument Services - in business since around 1979. 

They just finished the clock for my ‘66 Chevelle and did a quality job. Took about a month to get it back.

Title: Re: Tach repair
Post by: althomas55 on March 15, 2025, 11:59:50 PM
Thanks for the info, I have replaced the speedo cable and housing a couple times but speedo takes fits more so when cooler weather outside, it will jump from 10-100 and everything in between and sequels like crazy until I reach up and disconnect it .The tach has never worked even after replacing the burnt board on the back of the cluster never had a points dist in the car so I can't say if it worked with points or not but I have tried a filter with no success. I am going to hook up an aftermarket tach and see if it will work to determine if I'm getting a signal from the coil .