CRG Discussion Forum

Camaro Research Group Discussion => Restoration => Topic started by: sabino56 on January 02, 2023, 01:05:24 AM

Title: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: sabino56 on January 02, 2023, 01:05:24 AM
I have a 68 project. Runs and I have it parked in a closed garage. I opened trunk for first time in about 6 mo or so and found two nests in rear corners of trunk.  I’ve had car in same place for -10 years and never had anything nest in it so on one hand a surprise but given I’ve trapped mice in garage previously, I guess not too surprising. Interesting to me is I didn’t find droppings but I’m no rodent expert.

I have the original basic low back buckets and bench rear seat, vinyl covered.  Looking at rear of back seat, padding looks brownish but guessing this is from rear cushion regardless? Just curious if anyone knows for sure.  I haven’t tried to pull out rear bench to look yet.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: MO on January 02, 2023, 03:55:27 AM
Most often it's from seat cushions or something that is stored in the car; blankets, pillows, sleeping bags, etc.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: 169INDY on January 02, 2023, 04:36:08 AM
Dam IT!

Full War is in order on the pests immediately.  (*Where they Nest they Eat and Piss and Poo!)

Bait, Set & Monitor Traps. Deny them ANY convenient access, No Food or water sources.


Reset if this is just a Historical past Rodent Condo furnishings.

Good reminder for All of us.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: R68GTO on January 02, 2023, 11:14:53 AM
That looks like rear seat cushion cotton batting.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: sabino56 on January 02, 2023, 03:47:30 PM
Thanks for responses, nothing else stored in car so seat cushion I guess.  I guess I’ll pull out back seat and see what damage was done.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: rlw68 on January 02, 2023, 05:19:25 PM
Critter pad, with Astro Ventilation  8)     Also found some under the headliner during resto.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: Kelley W King on January 03, 2023, 12:47:52 AM
I find something that really draws them is paper towels. My local show bag usually has windex and paper towels usually left in the trunk. I switched cars to show, left the bag in the different car and bingo mouse crap. My method is the old wood traps with peanut butter. Gets them every time. I keep a couple set in my shop always.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: maroman on January 03, 2023, 02:08:31 AM
I own a 1918 military truck that had set idle for decades. It has NO upholstery , only a wood seat. When I was ready to start the engine I decided to pull the oil pan first. The starter was not installed for a long time leaving an opening. The cotton batting like yours completely filled the pan so that I couldn't see the crankshaft. No idea where the lil SOB got the cotton.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: Charley PHX on January 04, 2023, 04:09:25 AM
By some strange coincidence, I came across THIS:  MouseBlocker ==>  ( shortly after reading this post. 

Found this by accident, while checking out car covers recommended by Jim (169INDY) couple days ago in a separate thread.

No idea whatsoever if this thing is any good. Description says '3 different levels of Ultrasonic frequency (85-115 Db) making this unit VERY Loud!!' I hope that means only audible to the mice? Description is unclear...
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: maroman on January 04, 2023, 01:55:07 PM
A  buddy has his garage protected by these things. He was telling me how great they are as a little guy snuck in the door and ran to his nest like he had been there before. He also tried the Irish Spring soap that everyone brags about. The mouse built a nest in the box after he ate half the bar of soap.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: Kelley W King on January 04, 2023, 02:11:51 PM
I tryed the ultra sonic  plus poisons and so called miracle traps. The old wooden piece with peanut butter works best for me. I have another building at my place for my mowers ect. plus fish food for my pond. If I see they got to the fish food I can set 3 or 4 traps, cut out the lights and within an hour the traps have the critters.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: Vince on January 04, 2023, 07:04:24 PM
You have to make sure you have a cat that is a great mouser, but when I had a mama cat and one of her offspring prowling my house and garage area outside they basically caught any rodents that came around.   Nothing like a mouser cat to keep the rodents under control.   
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: Pacecarjeff on January 05, 2023, 12:36:10 AM
I generally don't have a rodent problem anymore....  lol
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: 169INDY on January 05, 2023, 04:15:23 AM

My Cat Caught a Mouse (Motor) this day.
Title: Re: Where did the mice collect this?
Post by: MO on January 05, 2023, 05:25:30 AM
Cat patrol for sure.