CRG Discussion Forum

Camaro Research Group Discussion => Restoration => Topic started by: 169INDY on June 30, 2017, 05:55:11 AM

Title: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on June 30, 2017, 05:55:11 AM
Built Dec/Jan 1967/1968
Broken 1979
Restoration Started 2004
Restoration Re-Started 2017

Looking forward to continuing Rogers Great work!
Perfect Retirement project in 2 years, when I break out of the J.O.B.

I will be pestering a bunch of you for a while.  ???

Jim W
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68camaroz28 on June 30, 2017, 10:13:51 AM
Looks like it will be a fun project and love those early 68 Z's with the 302 fender emblems. Now start to take inventory of what you have and what you might need.  ;D
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on June 30, 2017, 11:28:20 PM
The Nice thing it was complete and fairly stock when broke in 79'
Roger started a 13 year restoration & I am proud to continue.

I will be posting a bunch of as found in 2004 (Or as he disassembled the car) & parts as collected.

Since it was parked outside in 79' in the PNW most colors and finishes suffered. (Esp the Orange stripe re-painting funny!)

But the Huge positive is it was intact when roger took it apart and he KEPT & Labeled EVERYTHING.

You are going to see errors and not MCACN level compromises along the journey.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on July 01, 2017, 01:14:52 PM
Great project.  More pics!  Every car doesnt need nor have to be a "MCACN level" restoration.  Build it the way you want and enjoy it!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: BULLITT65 on July 01, 2017, 02:22:00 PM
Look forward to seeing this car come together.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 02, 2017, 02:45:23 PM
OK, Just got back from the Seattle SOVERN Historic's racing at Pacific Raceways, When group 3 ran the hair stood up on my neck.

OK. I go pick up the car Sunday

But lets start by posting some disassy pics Roger took in 2004.
Keep a keen eye on the 1968 clues as I do not have any paper on this car.-

Plus a few head scratchers.

OK As Broke (Parked) in 1979 & Found in 2004 by Roger.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 02, 2017, 02:49:44 PM
Sorry about the spastic "OK's
Excited to leave w/ trailer & get  her in the garage.

LOS 12E (JAN ____ 1968 production date) NCRS shippers on order will * Update when received.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 02, 2017, 02:52:13 PM

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: BULLITT65 on July 02, 2017, 03:32:49 PM
Great find. Great pics, keep them coming.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2017, 01:50:49 AM
Got it Safely Home & in position.

Will start scanning his print photos and post some disassy pictures he took as he tore it apart.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2017, 01:55:39 AM
Here is a foggy pic of the Tic-Toc-Tac face (6K red line) back has a build date silk screen date of W7/26/1967

Riddle #1
Rare SS Z28 wonder how & when the SS horn button got stuck on?

I really will enjoy a Red interior
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on July 04, 2017, 12:30:10 PM
Jim can you post up the trim tag info and vin?  My LOS car was 12D and 320495.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2017, 01:03:04 PM
Trim Tag Photo

* Note the booster in this pic is a re-pop. The Orig  # 9078 dtd Julian 326 is on the shelf*

VIN 320777 need to snap a pic (Going off Memory right now)

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: BillOhio on July 04, 2017, 01:57:52 PM
might be dumb but is Gilmore Rogers last name? 
Should we know him?
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2017, 02:14:09 PM
Bill, I just nicknamed the Car, Probably silly of me, no real historical significance outside of the local (Kitsap County Wa) history.  I  have known about the car since 2004 but the amazing part is it sat (broken) from 1979-2004. Dang Rust. His (Roger's) uncle passed away last year  &  I am finishing Rogers Gilmores good work..
He told me his aunt & uncle traded in a super beetle for the Camaro & Roger remembers riding around in the Z in town with his aunt driving, made an impression on him.  I might be a bit enthusiastic as I have not purchased a Camaro since they were giving them away in 1984. This project will be so much fun. For me I sold a 1967 230cu 4 speed car in 84' & rowing gears has been limited to S10's & Toyotas.
Tons more pics to post.

Thanks for asking. I sure wish it had 12900 miles like yours.
This car has  86,314 for a basic 10 year period. Seems the PNW elements were harder on it,,,,

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: BillOhio on July 04, 2017, 02:21:19 PM
I have had nicknames for my car but probably would get banned from the site!! 
My car wasnt perfect that is why I had it painted. I know it sat in the original owners garage a long time but later in its life it was in a pole barn.  I have a feeling it wasnt cleaned up real good and sat where there was condensation.
Good luck with your project. These cars are easy to work on and endless information and encouragement by the guys on here
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on July 04, 2017, 02:44:21 PM
Pretty cool.. 

3 Z's built within a day of one another..

Mine & another that was recently for sale.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68Zproject on July 04, 2017, 05:13:04 PM
Seems the PNW elements were harder on it,,,,

Very hard.
I grew up West of Portlandia in a small town and bought a 68SS in '76.  8 years old and it looked like it was stored underwater all 8 years.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: maroman on July 04, 2017, 05:17:58 PM
What is broken, and how bad?
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2017, 05:28:40 PM

The "MO" is gone in 1969 replaced by CE motor short block CE 9A 49906. So can I assume an early owner made a warranty claim?
It is what it is,,,but it will stay that way unless some magical miracle the orig motor shows up.

The as built M21 w/ tag, stamp, & vin is intact & rebuilt.

Rear End:
The 12 bolt was long gone. So when roger bought it in 2004 is had a rusty 10 bolt in it. So here is where it get interesting. A local guy parted out a plumb 1967 Z28 ( Story no proof) in the 80's and harvested many Z Parts, including a "PU" coded 12 bolt. Roger bought it cut off the traction arm mount, removed the mon leaf spring mounts and welded on multi's and rebuilt it and installed in this car, So Not a technically correct item, but I am not worried in the least.

When speaking to the HURT part of the story; Roger told me his Uncle spun a rod bearing in 1979 and parked it to fix it someday which never came around and the car sat outside till 2004, that time & PNW moisture surface rusted a lot of parts not to mention the frigging RAIN, oh this place feels like Alaska sometimes.......

but I am getting ahead of myself.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2017, 05:39:16 PM
Here are some scans of print photos, as he took the car apart (2004)
Lots of great clues to originality but some finishes were severely altered by the elements, however I get a sense of how untouched it seems. I will be asking for some opinions on anomalies relating to the assy deviations I 'think' I see & want some clarification and input. I hope there is some value to others and reference to include my goals of returning it to its former glory.

Front end & eng compt.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2017, 05:52:23 PM
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: maroman on July 04, 2017, 08:05:21 PM
Thanks for the explanation. I see a lot of right parts. You know the story of what happened to the car, anything else is just BS. Have fun!! Keep us updated.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 06, 2017, 12:19:57 AM
More Shots as disassembled in 2004
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 08, 2017, 01:23:11 AM
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: Jon Mello on July 08, 2017, 04:14:28 PM
Neat car Jim and thanks for sharing the pics and the story. My brother had a C-C, 724 interior '68 Z that was originally from Washington State (Marysville, if I remember correctly). I should have bought from him but I didn't have the funds at the time. I love the color combo.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 09, 2017, 12:57:52 AM
Nice to hear from you. Thanks. I think the combo with the black top is going to appeal to me & hope others,,,,Ha I have a red car and am looking forward to the white-black-red combo

Now a 67/68 question.

Notice this picture,  the pass side valve cover breather nipple (Pipe) to valve cover is straight like a 1967 (?) I thought it should be a 90 degree steel nipple, however HEARTBEAT offers a 1967 ONLY hose that has the bend in it. Could this be a hold over  or assy anomaly or owner servicing modification?

Part number # GM 3916380

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68Zproject on July 10, 2017, 12:44:29 AM
Mine has the 90* elbow and hose, but to tell the truth it and others don't exactly fit as the parts would lend themselves the best to fit.  Meaning my hose gets straightened a little and seemed like it would fit better with a straight shot into the valve cover rather than the 90.  I know this isn't an answer per se, but it could be someone thought like me and just changed it before knowing or caring about correct restoration parts.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 10, 2017, 03:07:59 AM
Here is a shot from the drivers side.
Note* The Carb was found to be a 1969 Holley 4346 Carburetor

2nd shot notice the "oil" line thru the spedo grommet
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: Jon Mello on July 10, 2017, 12:23:32 PM
That passenger side valve cover fitting and hose are not original to the car and would appear to be an owner servicing modification.

Is the throttle rod on backwards with the thicker part toward the front?
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 11, 2017, 03:57:18 AM
Possibly (Throttle rod), lets look at a few more angles.

Additionally, when the bypass clamps are shown are they the 67 style vice 68 as detailed in Jerry's book.


Ah ha, I think I see the orig hole in the firewall for the oil sender line, might have been re-routed during the warranty motor r/r/r (Remove/Repair/Replace)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: Jon Mello on July 12, 2017, 03:36:12 AM
OK, in the first photo above it looks like the fatter part of the throttle rod is in the back like it's supposed to be. I found it hard to tell in the other photos.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 16, 2017, 06:59:51 PM
Here are some more.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 16, 2017, 07:20:59 PM
... including the tune up sticker preserved (not removed & masked during blast-prime-paint when restoring the rad support)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 20, 2017, 03:07:58 AM
Resto Tip
Made some Powerpoint & MS Word 2" x 4" sticky Avery Labels for re-marking and tracking the million sandwich bags the car is spread apart in.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68Zproject on July 20, 2017, 04:06:12 PM
Did you see the thread on distributors?  It looks like you have a 266 and if original , Chick would like some info on it.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 21, 2017, 06:48:02 AM
Did you see the thread on distributors?  It looks like you have a 266 and if original , Chick would like some info on it.
Yes, I got him the data & a good Pic Post CHP restoration & curve(ing) of the Dizzy.

I am missing the Orig Carb, Smog, Manifolds, bellhousing. Everthing else seems to be there.

One reason might be the ANTI theft Modification a previous owner made.
I think he had a cable ran thru the firewall to a handle to extend and retract the Latch stop he custom made. Neat idea.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 21, 2017, 06:59:32 AM
Some Interior shots, interesting patterns, prime, paint and rust.

Surprisingly not a lot of rust repair was need or accomplished. Honestly I need to ask roger HOW they stored it, outside but under a carport?

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 21, 2017, 07:00:57 AM
Sorry about the sideways
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 21, 2017, 07:06:56 AM
Tire sticker "AY"
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68Zproject on July 21, 2017, 09:28:49 PM
That's an interesting shift boot.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: JKZ27 on July 22, 2017, 12:45:08 AM
That's an interesting shift boot.
That's the correct shift boot. No longer made or reproduced.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: firstgenaddict on July 27, 2017, 05:59:53 PM
Wow nice great color combo... can't wait to see it back in it's former glory.

I love red gut cars...
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 29, 2017, 07:12:49 AM
More disassembly
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 06, 2017, 08:41:51 AM
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 06, 2017, 08:42:22 AM
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 06, 2017, 08:45:22 AM
Something current. (Alt heading out for rest & Will have to mix Orig bracket with repop)

Alt & Bracket (Only have the rear 1/2 of the bracket assy)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on September 04, 2017, 03:19:46 PM
Some underbody shots, Heavy LOS overspray.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 10, 2017, 05:28:26 PM
Plating teaser- Zinc Dichromate (ASTM D478-02).

Credit Vendor TCP Plating Portland Ore. 12/2017.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 10, 2017, 05:33:50 PM
Red Deluxe seatbelts Option (RPO AK1) Early 68 Coupe.

Credit Vendor: Snake Oyl

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 23, 2018, 04:23:03 AM
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 23, 2018, 04:33:45 AM
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 23, 2018, 04:40:17 AM
Some More
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 26, 2018, 04:04:54 AM
A small restoration item.
Glass beaded window guides, Bright Zinc plated, Cut Ballistic Nylon Fabric & glued to finish repair.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: Mike S on January 26, 2018, 02:46:30 PM
 Every time I see 'Gilmore' I can't help but think of the movie Happy Gilmore  :)

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 28, 2018, 03:14:32 AM
I need to post more "Happy" Pics of the progress

Good one Mike

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 17, 2018, 03:29:06 AM
a) Booster (Numbers matching) back from Vendor.
b) body floor plugs back from plater
c) WT stamp on Master
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 17, 2018, 03:37:43 AM
Some Door shots I think someone was asking about the overspray on the inside of the door, (They might have been asking about 69, but here is a los 68)
& Spray shields, front & back (i.e. inside  and out) Both had a black sealant with white string in middle.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: SMS on March 17, 2018, 04:46:54 PM
Booster looks awesome. Keep the progress shots coming. I love watching other projects. It’s motivation.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 24, 2018, 04:04:56 AM
Been a Very slow start to Spring so I have been working on a few indoor items.

Rear qtr windows, Lot of Evapo Rust, elbow grease, wire brush, steel wool, silicone lube, lithium lube, Boe-SHield T9, Rubber dressing, Soap & Water, etc.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 07, 2018, 12:04:22 AM
I purchased a replacement (USED) 403 re-usable condition alum S.B. Bellhousing at a local swap meet.
I gave it a cleaning in the solvent tank, then a low pressure blasting in a Glass Bead cabinet, Purposely left "some" orig orange overspray, found little to none down low. Interesting; chased threads but found the original pivot very worn & removal required propane heat to the front side and candle wax to wick and act as penetrant to get it to release its grip on the threads. Nice little pop & out it came. I gave the alum a wash down with Alum cleaner (acid) DX rinse and then the Alum DX-501 conditioner brightener- Bam Looks good for my use. New pivot, boot and fork.
Was  fun little project

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 20, 2018, 06:20:15 PM
A-arm shields, Soap & water, gentile nylon brush then a little Welseys (sp) and 303 cleaner followed up with a Napa tire dressing. I did need to replace the damaged pass side, just traced and cut out from some masticated rubber that has been discussed on the site in another thread.   
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on June 30, 2018, 04:31:16 AM
Clutch for Fan received back from rebuilder.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 29, 2018, 03:36:21 AM
Scored a set of headers (Reproduction Kustom 68'version) from Colorado Supplier (I was inspired by Seeing Chicks car at MCACN Chicago Show a few years ago.) Need to get them off to  a specialty coater for flat black treatment.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: DomX77D80 on October 31, 2018, 01:40:19 AM
 8) wow !!!!! 8)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: william on November 01, 2018, 03:43:48 PM
In production, the bellhousing cover was natural. It was partially painted orange with the engine; the area behind the oil pan not getting much coverage.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on November 02, 2018, 12:34:55 AM
OK, got it, the GM cover I understand is not period correct, but I can live with that, I will be assembling the motor & trans and respraying the motor with the appropriate overspray like CHICKs engine shots in the car. I gather the fork end got a dusting also, I plan on a partial orange coverage on the bellhousing vice the full spray I have seen some folks do.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 16, 2018, 11:36:54 PM
Coated 15% Gloss via Auburn Wa Performance Coating Co.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: SMS on December 17, 2018, 02:53:16 AM
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on February 09, 2019, 03:15:54 PM
As built Dizzy Update;
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on February 11, 2019, 03:24:57 PM
Well with ALL the snow here in the PNW I got a LOT of garage time and finally finished the Starter rebuild. 
This took a long time, cleaning, disassy, inspection, varnishing, machining, plating and reassy, & testing.  I have a 101 pictures, should do a DIY post. The prior owner bought a 74 vette starter from a rebuilder and kept the dated 12*06*67 (Slightly pitted - rusty) orig in a box.

This is a Fun project since we work on submarine DC motors for the real world J-O-B.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: camaroboy68ss on February 13, 2019, 08:35:53 PM
Those headers are awesome looking, who exactly is making those reproductions? I have been searching for a set of era correct or trunk style reproductions for my 68 for a day two look.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on February 13, 2019, 09:38:41 PM
Camaros Plus   
'Steve Pelletier'

Header source.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 28, 2019, 06:06:18 PM
I mocked up a SHIFTER plan. Original cleaned up and to remain Boxed and stored.
Sources for the plated Comp Plus "Hurst Shifters Online (" and Parts from Paul at
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 28, 2019, 06:09:10 PM
In production, the bellhousing cover was natural. It was partially painted orange with the engine; the area behind the oil pan not getting much coverage.

Found a $5 cover at the April Portland Swap meet.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: Jon Mello on May 01, 2019, 12:51:59 PM
Why not keep and reuse your original cover as the new one has subtle differences?
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 69Z28-RS on May 01, 2019, 01:01:42 PM
if I had option for either of those two covers (the old/original or the New) for the SAME PRICE, I'd buy the old original one!  :)

Moral of the Story:  Don't buy or use NEW, just because you have one or can!  :)   generally the old/original one is better...
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 01, 2019, 03:39:18 PM
* When I got the Car it had a NEW Lakewood scatter shield set up. No GM bellhousing or cover.

So I Found a $45 used Bellhousing #403 at Puyallup swap meet & Bought the GM replacement cover. Then William suggested the "correct" access cover would be an easy find, He was Very correct $5 at the Portland swap meet.

The Muncie Shifter belong on a tractor. (That is another topic)

"Moral of the Story:  Don't buy or use NEW, just because you have one or can!  :)   generally the old/original one is better..."

You need to add,,,,"& Very pricey on some purchases-"

(ANOTHER) unrelated REPOP Item I need to snap a picture of soon and post - Teaser!

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 25, 2019, 04:38:14 AM

What a NICE piece. The quality is stunning. A great match to the Headers. After seeing Chicks Butternut Ride at Chicago, I knew this was the rote I wanted to go with.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 25, 2019, 04:41:59 AM
Did some cleaning in the garage and got the SB & BB side by side shot.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 25, 2019, 05:05:07 AM
Radiator Details (Before)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: SMS on June 04, 2019, 05:50:53 PM
Looking great Jim.  :)

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 25, 2019, 05:34:29 AM
Mirror assy
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 03, 2019, 04:03:16 AM
Followed the instructions of Chick and others here to work the heater controls. Had the same problem with the zinc body tabs approaching the breaking point, but got the "feel" for taking them just to the limit. Drilled & tapped the tabs 8-32 just in case but did not need to use screws during reassembly. Just cleaned up the existing parts for a good enough fluff with minimal expense. Polished the pitted zinc-chrome bezel, Painted the black out and polished the lens & knobs. The hair drier and taped pliers with the twist & pull method worked for removal. Deoxit-5 for the blower switch and re black oxide the fasteners. Lube up the pivots and sliders. Should work fine now.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 03, 2019, 04:08:00 AM
Orig Red D55 w/  U17 Up next (Great Fall project!)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on October 03, 2019, 11:52:24 AM
Work looks great.  Keep the updates coming.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: Mike S on October 03, 2019, 12:50:11 PM
 If the console flocking is worn, you can easily restore it using duck decoy black flocking. I bought a kit on eBay for about $12. It has the black flocking material and adhesive (black paint + brush).

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: SMS on October 11, 2019, 01:17:16 AM
I love watching your progress!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 21, 2019, 04:37:34 AM
The console was a quick project; Tear down and found the unit was very complete and the factory flocking was in great shape, only defect was a small lid crack & severely pitted shifter tunnel bezel and fragile rear light lens.  Used glass bead to strip cast zinc lids and fasteners. Used a old 1980 ASL product to refresh black oxide coating of the fasteners. The RICKS (Eklers) RED # 970 covered well esp when using sem 39863 plastic adhesion promoter in concert with recoating the plastic parts. I tested the gauges using various power supplies including a HO scale train power  pack to validate the amp meter and using simulation potentiometers for the senders to validate the Temp, Fuel and Amp. Simple air to check freedom of movement for action on the oil pressure gauge.

It cleaned up nicely!

Wrapped up and put away till needed.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on November 20, 2019, 07:03:38 AM
Rear Bumper, removed center bracket, off to plater and reattached center & installed refurbished orig lamp etc.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: Mike S on November 20, 2019, 12:01:10 PM
 What method did you use to attach the center bracket rivets?

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: HawkX66 on November 20, 2019, 12:19:49 PM
Only thing nicer than watching a great resto is doing one yourself. Nice job!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: janobyte on November 20, 2019, 03:43:01 PM
Only thing nicer than watching a great resto is doing one yourself. Nice job!


Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on November 20, 2019, 04:46:09 PM
What method did you use to attach the center bracket rivets?

I used Fake Rivets from AMK, photo and PN  and discussion to follow.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on November 21, 2019, 04:29:27 AM
Stud (Rivet/ threaded) 5/16-18 X 1 1/8 WELD STUD LP, PHOS. 4 pk, AMK part number: B-11693
Grind the pips off the back side of the rivet head.
Nut Steel Flex-Top Locknut for Heavy Vibration, Cadmium-Plated, 5/16"-18 Thread Size McMaster Carr part number 94820A237

I really could not pull the trigger on a real rivet job, seemed risky to heat and 'buck' the rivet properly.
This alternative method should work fine for a garage queen. ;)

Anyway, I need to trim the excess stud length with a Dremel and cutoff wheel to clean up the install.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on November 28, 2019, 11:34:16 PM
Another Fix. Not sure about the "application" (* Correctness stc.) other than this is what came off the car. When Roger took the spoiler off the corroded studs & nuts were a bear to remove and required servicing. My intent was just to replace what was "AS FOUND" I am not sure of year and source.
I found a Mcmaster-Carr double ended threaded stud and worked them over on a lathe since the replacements on line & vendors looked different.

My Car was not a D80 Car based on the trunk springs, but was as  found w/ owner installer rear spoiler & will be reinstalled.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 28, 2020, 02:50:13 AM
A Recent Post (Leaf Spring question) and Reply by Kurt got me to digging.

The as built springs found on my car are  Code YW 3895233, this combination did not seem correct when looking at other 68 originals and restorations. It never occurred to me to consider the Build time frame Dec 1967 (early Car?), So I finally looked at the Front springs designated for the 1967 model year Z28 per the spring tables:

APPLICATION 302 ENGINE  Model-37 3895233     (1967 FRONT SPRINGS)

Photos attached.

So a Early LOS build 68 Z28 used leftover 67 parts,,,,,

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: KurtS on January 28, 2020, 06:17:29 AM
Interesting. A 12D LOS Z built before yours has the EE springs.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on January 28, 2020, 03:49:04 PM
Very interesting.  I need to look and see if there is anything left on my springs now!  Same build week as Jim's.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on February 02, 2020, 06:06:37 AM
814 Alternator (DIY)  restoration underway.
I like the 42$ kits avail on line and developed home use tooling after practicing on a few 1970 834's got the process down.
I really liked the recent article in Hemmings that gave a nice play by play and the Chassis OVHL manual inclu tons of teardown pictures.

Similar work like the DC Starter Motor, clean up and varnish overcoat, polish fits, press out and install various bearings, diodes, terminals, cap, brush holder,etc,,,,,,,

just Like the J. O. B. working on Aircraft Carrier Generators,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just smaller.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on February 02, 2020, 06:13:33 AM
Cleaned up and Stamps obtained and parts off to the plater soon after hardware back from Zinc plating reassy.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 20, 2020, 05:54:55 PM
Dan stopped by and We worked the flappers on the Kick Panels.
R/R/R including the foam and rivets.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 20, 2020, 05:57:15 PM
Used hardware and foam from Grainger & Mc Master-Carr, evaporust the pivot hinge hardware, glass bead, prime & paint.
These parts generally get ignored.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: mdz on April 21, 2020, 12:17:42 AM
Nice job,wished mine looked that good.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 27, 2020, 05:36:17 AM
Original Wiper & $5 swap meet spare. Fluff & Buff partial rebuild (i.e. the motor end not the gearbox.)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on April 27, 2020, 02:35:27 PM
Great work Jim!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 27, 2020, 05:19:57 PM
Thanks, The Alternator should be done soon, I am waiting on getting back on the road to visit my plater in Portland Ore.

I need to order some SEM Color Coat Portola Red for shooting some interior pieces.

SUmmer Project Test mount Doors, & Build out the dog house.

Paint Jail someday?,,,,,,,,,Just noodling on the smalls for now & it is fun at the same time.

NOS grill on the way- Spring project.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 30, 2020, 04:16:19 AM
Finished the CUT down (Sectioned) REPOP spark plug wire holders to clear the cowl plenum air cleaner interference.
Preserved the ORIG Holders that are stamped 'GT'
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 08, 2020, 06:06:54 PM
This is a sample Electrical servicing when your component is 'serviceable' and not fried beyond repairs and out of sight so cosmetics are not of a concern. I really like this product. DeOxit D5 others are out there & the techniques can be applied to many variety of Camaro elect projects.
a) Clean exterior of part & polish contacts with wire brush or burnish with rubberized abrasive.
b) Select your favorite contact cleaner
c) Dowse drench flood interior cavities of the switch * Sometimes you can 'open' up the housing stamped steel tabs or crimped zinc housings to access the interior mechanisms or sliding contacts and stationary's and further work the make & break components.)
d) Using a Volt-Ohm-Meter test your electrical component operations to validate repairs or indicate further intrusive work or outright replacement.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 08, 2020, 06:13:54 PM
Grill (STD) Project   & Steering (MAN) Rag Joint (SPRING-2020)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 21, 2020, 05:44:29 AM
Finished the D-I-Y 814 Alternator Rebuild.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: hugrz28 on July 21, 2020, 04:07:45 PM
Nicely done Jim!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 04, 2020, 04:26:15 AM
Thanks Big Dan!

Here are a couple of new purchases and modifications.

Y55 Battery Topper (Mod a R59 for a close lookalike)

Radiator Hoses compare Big Box Camaro parts vendor to Pace Car Jeffs offerings & Replated original Dated clamps. I went brite clear zinc since galv is hard to source. The bypasses are as found style.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on September 20, 2020, 06:01:52 AM
Finally Working the Vehicle Wiring Harness Rehabilitation.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 05, 2020, 01:56:35 AM
Credit Jackson Speaker Service Michigan.
Jackson Speaker Service 3921 Pine Crest Ct, Jackson, MI 49203 (517) 789-6400
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 05, 2020, 02:09:13 AM
Credit Glen-Ray Radiator repair
Dated Harrison Heater Core Rebuilt Dated 67L
Glen-ray Radiators, Inc. • 2105 North 6th Street • Wausau, WI 54403 • PH: 800.537.3775 or 715.842.3352
Texture Paint: Rust-Oleum 7220830 Textured Spray Paint, 12 oz, Black
Robins Egg Blue: Home Made Mix Testor Model paints White & Blue Enamel
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 12, 2020, 04:06:10 AM
hugrz28 & Tom Stopped by and we worked a Batch of "ZINC PHOSPHATE" Medium Gray.

Chemical supplier Palmetto Enterprises

Accomplished a "FAIR" job the results need some fine tuning and I failed to prep a couple parts that I will re-work to obtain a better finish.
Followed Mfr's instructions as best we could with the equipment on hand, Turned out to be an affordable D.I.Y option vice the past process of Poof Canning parts.

Photos have a hard time reflecting the in person color account of flash or lighting conditions.

Was  a  FUN project.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 30, 2020, 06:44:04 AM
Original: Rag Joint Rebuilt.
Cleaning, Plating, New Push Nuts, Repaired Ground Strap, Detailed.
Manual Strg

Additionally: Usage of a 1969 C.I. Style Coil Bracket to allow Clearance of the air cleaner
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: firstgenaddict on October 31, 2020, 08:27:57 PM
WOW, you are doing an incredible job on the the car...
just incredible...

On wiring harnesses I have found that using a sheet of paper tacked over a 30" wide x 6 foot long piece of plywood is a great way to layout the wiring for repairs, IT gives you a place to make notes as well as draw out the connector arrangements - it also allows you to keep everything correctly bunched while performing "surgery."
Another product I have found for dealing with wiring... is antilox - electrical joint antioxidant- I have not had issues involving electrical connections since I began using it 10 years ago, PLUS I have had people state their lights have never been brighter after going through the grounds.


Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on November 24, 2020, 04:11:52 AM
Muncie Shifter Before and After. Disassembled, glass beaded, Zinc Phosphated, Replaced 3923544 Retainer using a Silicone Grommet (As suggested on, Lubed, Reassembled, Bagged and stored.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 22, 2020, 08:35:52 AM
Door Opening weather strip stainless channel; Polishing & Blow out clip coating repairs;
The Clips have a amber plastic coating over a black clip, mine were rusted with chunks of coating missing, So I ground off the clinched semi-tubular rivet and drove out the rivet and peeled the remaining coating, Evaporust treated the clip, primed painted then Hardware store $7 plastic-dip coated and re installed with New Hansen rivets (With Help from Friends!). When I cleaned up (Include buff wheel polished) the channels I found a narrow strip of open cell very soft 1/2 sq foam adhesive attached to the Body side of the channel & gray dum-dum at the angle corner.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 69Z28-RS on December 22, 2020, 02:27:21 PM
Nice work Jim!   :)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 03, 2021, 02:49:38 AM
Thanks Gary! :)

worked on the tail lights; compromises made; CHQ housings (Vice GM replated Orig's) & zinc plated backs (Vice Galvanizing).

Cleaned up the Len's, and reused GM factory gaskets.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 02, 2021, 03:40:59 AM
Finished the Car!

April Fools.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on May 13, 2021, 04:41:02 AM
Driveshaft (PROP SHAFT) restoration: Doc existing stripes, Evapo Rust treatment, U joint removal, Prime, preserve, paint, stripe, Install New Ujoints.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 13, 2021, 04:31:42 AM
Reworked the Engine Paint using Seymour EN-48 Hi-Tech Engine Spray Paint, Chevy Orange.
Intake refreshed/Splash Shield repaired, reskinned by Camaro Hi Perf
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on December 15, 2021, 12:25:17 PM
Engine looks really good Jim.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68SSL35/M40/O2 on December 15, 2021, 08:53:25 PM
Driveshaft (PROP SHAFT) restoration: Doc existing stripes, Evapo Rust treatment, U joint removal, Prime, preserve, paint, stripe, Install New Ujoints.

Driveshaft looks good. how and what did you paint it with, ie; the shaft, long shaft, with the stripe, and original markings?
soaked mine and found Three stripes orange, green, and pink. but shaft didn't come that amazing.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 16, 2021, 04:59:47 AM
The Drive shaft really could have used a new welded tube to present a bare finish that would be NEW in appearance, I chose the cheaper route of Bomb can trickery. After the evapo rust attempt to de-rust the shaft, I needed to apply a epoxy primer then a sandable filler primer, top coated by spray can alum- silver, I simulated the tube seam weld by applying a coating of Stove Bright® High Temp Paint 6197 Moss Green metallic and then masking the Simulated Weld with 1/8” masking tape. I was able to clean up the welded ends with the ears and just cleared the ends to add detail as they were treated by the evapo rust and looked great. I top coated the shaft and ends with a spray bomb can semi gloss Clear to blend everything together. Then using testors model enamel paints I added the broadcast ID stripes (White-Orange) per the normative practice for my 'engine and trans' combination. My drive shaft had very “non Rusted" areas were the stripe paint was but very very little was found during evapo rusting. I bought quality Dana Spicer U joints and studied WEBER  (Utah) automotive college on line prop shaft rebuilding videos and pressed out and in my own u joints and selective clips. I did not op for  a shop overhaul and wonder how it will perform?
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68SSL35/M40/O2 on December 16, 2021, 09:34:53 PM
The Drive shaft really could have used a new welded tube to present a bare finish that would be NEW in appearance, I chose the cheaper route of Bomb can trickery. After the evapo rust attempt to de-rust the shaft, I needed to apply a epoxy primer then a sandable filler primer, top coated by spray can alum- silver, I simulated the tube seam weld by applying a coating of Stove Bright® High Temp Paint 6197 Moss Green metallic and then masking the Simulated Weld with 1/8” masking tape. I was able to clean up the welded ends with the ears and just cleared the ends to add detail as they were treated by the evapo rust and looked great. I top coated the shaft and ends with a spray bomb can semi gloss Clear to blend everything together. Then using testors model enamel paints I added the broadcast ID stripes (White-Orange) per the normative practice for my 'engine and trans' combination. My drive shaft had very “non Rusted" areas were the stripe paint was but very very little was found during evapo rusting. I bought quality Dana Spicer U joints and studied WEBER  (Utah) automotive college on line prop shaft rebuilding videos and pressed out and in my own u joints and selective clips. I did not op for  a shop overhaul and wonder how it will perform?

Looks awesome! that's probably be the way I do it. Thanks!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: janobyte on December 17, 2021, 02:13:55 AM
Looking great!  (Make sure those clips are fully seated in your joints)

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on February 05, 2022, 06:06:16 AM
Local Rad guy took 6 months but we saved the top and bottom rails and reused on NEW core.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 30, 2022, 04:42:40 AM
Orig VR rebuilt
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on March 30, 2022, 12:07:34 PM
Gen 4, Gen 2 that can get a little confusing..  Nice work regardless.  Interesting to note my car's VR is dated 7L
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68camaroz28 on April 06, 2022, 02:53:29 AM
RIP Joe... nice guy who also restored a few of ours.
Is engine going to be judged in future?
Overall, nice work Jim....
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 06, 2022, 03:51:58 AM
Thanks Guys, I appreciate the feedback.

I like to supply "credit" (i.e. acknowledgement)  for the Vendors but forgot that Joe Passed on and left that detail out of the post.

No Judging in this cars future (No events in the PNW), unless I can convince a few friends to fill a Reliable truck eastward to MCACN someday.

Chick PM me your thoughts

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 06, 2022, 04:12:08 AM
862 white plastic Horn relay, Had a spare leftover from the John Pirkle Days.

Quanta Tank replacement, plated orig dated clamp (4th Qtr 1967), repop hose, added anti squeek tar paper (ECS-vendor) and top-spacer (Mcmaster-Carr) & tapes (3M) and foam on the line. (*Orig tank scrapped by previous owner)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 06, 2022, 04:13:38 AM
More tank.

I have noticed the SPECTRA-QUANTA (Canadian) Tanks are very nice, but they do develop a white "Tarnish" over time and it seems they ship with a protective film.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68camaroz28 on April 09, 2022, 02:23:41 AM
Thanks Guys, I appreciate the feedback.

I like to supply "credit" (i.e. acknowledgement)  for the Vendors but forgot that Joe Passed on and left that detail out of the post.

No Judging in this cars future (No events in the PNW), unless I can convince a few friends to fill a Reliable truck eastward to MCACN someday.

Chick PM me your thoughts

Pm sent Jim.... Again looking good....
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 21, 2022, 03:00:38 AM
Dated 1968 Camaro UN Walker Square mast "8 A" 32.5" Jack assembly source and fluffed, I think I need to strip and phosphate the commercial (AMK) replacement J hook.
Dan found a great paint avail that beats a Vintage Krylon Dove gray

16 Fluid oz. Can Gloss Dove Grey Hi Tech Enamel
Mfr #: 16-112
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 15, 2023, 05:20:51 AM
 :)I Found the Used Car Ad for the Car.

The Missoulian
17 Jan 1969, Fri · Page 22
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on April 15, 2023, 12:46:48 PM
Nice find.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on April 17, 2023, 02:52:07 AM
I am also Digging to research further used sales of the Car locally in my Town in or around 1976 when the Gilmores traded in a VW as trade.

Car was Sold New in Missoula via T&W Chev. I did reach out to "Karl Tyler Chev' now Missoula Chev with little results.
This was a Fantastic find very easy using NEWSPAPERS.COM

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on September 29, 2023, 05:57:12 PM
Steering Column Rebuild Started.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on September 29, 2023, 06:08:56 PM
Seam Sealer Applied using Lord Fusor Air application gun that Both sprays and extrudes (Beading) with SEM special TIP to achieve ripple effects.
Nice gun used on other projects also since this is not a daily activity for us. Heck of a clean up on the Gun and with practice you could get better results. This "TOOL" is nicer than a 7 dollar caulking gun by leaps and bounds & will have other uses.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: rocco376 on September 29, 2023, 07:05:08 PM
Great job.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 10, 2023, 02:07:12 AM
Made progress on the Column, Thanks to Darrel for the tip on the Bearing and help discussing the Adjusters that are set (staked via Heat set) at Saginaw and are not really serviceable at rebuild. (* I trimmed mine on a lathe to increase endplay to allow for proper stick out distance to get the "C" clip installed.) A Neat Video on YouTube was helpful also.

Final Wheel, Used vintage  Walnut  to be installed at final assy of the interior

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 13, 2023, 04:05:07 AM
Interior Tub & Seam sealer painted out with Semi-Flat
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on October 13, 2023, 01:59:03 PM
Nice work Jim.  Glad you got the column back together.  Column and floors look great.  Keep it up!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68camaroz28 on October 17, 2023, 06:57:18 PM
Step by step Jim.... As Darrell stated, “nice work”
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 15, 2023, 06:45:14 AM
Swapped out the repop subframe bolts for cleaned up GM R-B-W factory fasteners
& Got the Orig turn signal stalk replated boy the Shaft was really rusty & they did the job with out damaging the Red plastic knob.
Credit Janet at "The Bumper Depot" in Calif.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2024, 06:25:52 AM
DF Rally Wheels: Blasted, Scuffed, Primed, Black Semi gloss Back sides & Front-Top Coated with PPG-Omni Acrylic urethane. Argent Silver Code 8568.
Kick Panels: SEM Firethorn Red, New Insul pad, Reinstalled Refurbed flapper & one replacement Red cable-lever.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 04, 2024, 08:10:06 PM
Well, A very close friend assisted me in my search for 15 x 6 Rally trim rings. He had a set of (Second Design clips) wrapped up in 1979 newspaper, thrown into a camaro body full of alum slot mags, After climbing, digging- tunneling  to retrieve only to be disappointed they were labeled 15 x 7's, Well after feeling thru the paper to find the valve stem hole, it just did not seem right. Poof they are 15 x 6 NOS correct enough for my DF's. I was collecting used damaged ones (First design four clip) to be restored in Utah later if needed.

Test Fit on (DF) Wow these Spike Dig and Hold onto the Wheel, Difficult to remove, I see these would Never fly off like the First design versions.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on July 08, 2024, 05:03:26 PM
Well done.  Everything looks..

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 30, 2024, 01:55:11 AM
Via "Rusted Tires" (Russel Small @

Mounted on the 15 x 6 rallys with New DILL stems.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: DuWayne Ladner on July 30, 2024, 03:52:55 PM
Awesome car, awesome build 169 Indy. Thank you for your devotion to this project and your sharing generously with us all, right here on CRG forum. Got a question for you, back on 5-25-19’ you shared a pic of your 302, very nice, alongside a BB, can you tell me what it is, but for the “396” on the air cleaner and modern looking alloy heads got me fevered with the L89 thing. Thanks, and can hardly wait to see this “Z” finished. God Bless.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on July 30, 2024, 05:02:49 PM
Duwayne, here is a link to the "Red Dog" story and it should have a little blurb about my L78 conversion (*Temporary)

Yes, I got the Bare GMPP Head from a Seattle Class racer and was thinking of using them Bad Plan, (I sold them to fund the L78 rebuild) Open Chambers on a lil' 396, so I had Cope Machine (Tacoma) - Retired build the Stock CE L78 I bought in 2011, just to run it for a Few years While I restore the Numbers Factory installed L35. I have seen a Few Guys pursuing the L89/L78 thing to a Fault, the Old heads are Not reliable to a certain degree & not worth the troubles, Maybe a garage queen that is mainly static but even that is not good for the health of these vehicles as we know.

I enjoy Lloydds, Chicks & Darrells Shares on their journey and feel the Same & then (*Sorry) guys. I am a LONG term owner and fanatic and a Tradesman from the 80's so I Love the DIY to an extent, Mechanicals, Can't Paint so I fall into the "Check" writers in some facets.  I am noticing "WE" CRG's are a Fringe Group, Most the World & some owners are NOT into this at this level. As long as we can enjoy our passions and hobby and express ourselves thru our work and comradery I am Happy.

This 68Z is my LAST Car (No More Cars) so I am taking my time and going all in & esp working on fellow Fbody cars (i.e. Very close Friends) as Service is one of my "Launguages"

Oh & then there is the Poor Ole' 69 Vert to deal with thus the ONE-69-INDY name

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 10, 2024, 08:41:11 PM
I Chose to Re-Build (DIY) my 1968 3/8" single line fuel tank, sender-pickup
UPC 8, B4 Item 10 "Gas Meter"

I used a proper "Dorman" equal New unit to Harvest Parts to repair the AC/Delco GM Factory Unit.

Careful Disassy, Cleaning, Glass Bead, Bright Clear Zinc plating, remove elect parts from Dorman and reassy (P.I.A.) onto the AC Delco refurb'd assy, Test
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: hugrz28 on August 11, 2024, 03:53:23 AM
Well done Jim looks very nice!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 70L34 on August 11, 2024, 05:24:07 PM
Very nice! I’ll be doing this soon. Curious, where did you have the plating done?
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 12, 2024, 04:48:00 AM
Production Plating; Mukilteo Washington.
They were Very resistant to accepting Hobby parts.

Thanks Dan I was, PAST tense thinking of starting a service to restore these, but it was-is a Major PAIN and It Hurts taking a New Dorman Part ($$) and tearing it down to parade rest for Parts, It was NOT plug and Play, fair amount of rework and fussing with it.

Plating cost are exorbitant in small groups, Low Part count results in High piece costs & threat of Loss at the Customers Risk since the Platers do NOT like us Hobbyists as a general rule.

Good News Soon for the 68Z



Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: x66 714 on August 12, 2024, 11:36:21 AM
I guess that's why Instrument Services charge 350.00 to do a sender. Bob's Speedo is 400.00 to 700.00....Joe
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 68camaroz28 on August 13, 2024, 11:30:51 PM
I guess that's why Instrument Services charge 350.00 to do a sender. Bob's Speedo is 400.00 to 700.00....Joe
Mama Mia Joe, I had no idea as I was lucky enough to buy the GM part # and shortly thereafter they were not available. And I thought the GM part # was expensive at the time LOL.....
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 15, 2024, 04:57:23 AM
The Car has been delivered to my "Selected Tacoma Paint Shop." Small two man Craftsman quality Hot Rod and Restoration Shop All Makes.
Ron & Chris will get her done!
Exciting progress.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on August 29, 2024, 04:24:15 PM
DAY #3 at the Paint Shop: Stripping, Welding Hole, Pulling Dent in NOS Fender ETC

Progress! Hooray
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on September 10, 2024, 08:49:32 AM
Week #3 at the Paint Shop: Stripping, Adjusting panels & Gaps, Working body lines, prepping & prime

Continued Progress
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on September 28, 2024, 03:41:22 AM
Primer & Block
Prepping for Interior painting & then Jamb coloring.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 04, 2024, 01:54:42 AM
Week #7 at the Paint Shop: Red Interior Dash top & Face and Rear package tray area, and various White.
Ready for Sealer.
Back sides painted: Spoiler, Doors, Trunk lid.

Continued Progress
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 18, 2024, 03:50:45 PM
Well We have COLOR!
Week #9 update
The C-2 Looks great, Needs time to cure the clear then Much Cut & Buff, 9/32" Stripes, & V top Layout. (*Under the Clear) Not correct but Not an option with my Painter. They Got the Dark Red and Dash red figured out, I Really ! like the Contrast. Did not do White under the Cowl Stripe black out (They were having NONE of that Waste LoL)
They did Say they HATED the "Stripes Unlimited" Stencil Kit as a Total Fail as a product, Real World feedback.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 18, 2024, 03:55:08 PM
Continued. #9

Very Sweet Brite Color. While I must Confess, for a period or two I considered a color Change, but I think I would have regretted it all the way along and I sure Like ALL most All the 68 Colors this Car needed to be true to its roots.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 30, 2024, 03:31:17 AM
V top time
Red Headliner
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: DuWayne Ladner on October 30, 2024, 04:01:26 PM
Absolutely stunning restoration of the Gilmore 68’ “Z”. And the cataloging of the the resto, stunning also. Great source of info, example the bumper jack assy restoration and the paint source. Think I will redo my 69’ jack assy. Thanks.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on October 30, 2024, 04:59:08 PM
Thank you: Some feedback from the Soft goods Upholstery Fella "PAT".
The Heartbeat City Camaro headliner Bows are Junk. He had to refurb the very rusted GM originals to get the SMS Headliner installed which he complimented as a very 'Tight' material that Held well. The 'SAIL' panels were made from Scratch off a sample template, I also used the SMS Black V top as suggested by "Joe" on this Board.
Dan 'Hugger' helped with the Jack source color since Kylon Dove gray went obsolete.
Chick & Darrell have been Very helpful along the way.

Can't Wait to Tackle the "LA- stringy" Trunk Spatter Paint at home since the Rattle can (Prior) Owner applied coating is unsat and now covered in dust and overspray.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on November 01, 2024, 02:36:36 PM

Beautiful progress and the car looks amazing..  Congrats on the journey..

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on November 06, 2024, 05:00:26 AM
Week #12
Glass F&R Install. Orig Rear & ECS (Auto City Glass) Front Repop with Etching.
Build of Front end in progress.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on November 09, 2024, 04:01:07 AM
Finished at the Paint Shop:
Escape from Paint Jail Next Week to Home for continued assembly.
Great JOB RCL Ron & Chris.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 02, 2024, 05:53:12 AM
Got it Back Home for Assembly.
In Paint on 8/12/2024
Back 11/23/2024

Parts are now flying of the shelf and back onto the car. ALL the hard work prepping subassemblies and purchases stagged for this final push.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 08, 2024, 02:29:04 AM
 A Few Random Assembly prep progress photos.
a) The Metro Gold super softs seem like a good product. Fit VERY well in the Stainless Channel and clips.
b) The VER 1 Early front Spoiler Discontinued Goodmark-Repop fit well. (*Helper Chevy in photo)
c) GM NOS Grill needed a fair amount of flash trimming and small jewelers' files to Clean up the plastic flash.
d) SEM painted and polished up the Factory side panels. I felt the condition even with Defect was worth retaining the as built panels front and rear. SEM Firethorn Red and Portola Red make good choice for us Red INT guys.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on December 13, 2024, 12:57:41 PM
As always, great progress Jim!
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 20, 2024, 05:50:44 AM
A Few Random Assembly prep progress photos.
a) Cleaned, Polish trim on panel, Prep and Painted S.E.M. Product color coat.
b) GM Factory outside door side Mirror, Polished and new Paragon dated Glass installed, Orig "CAMARO" Embossed gasket.
c) GM NOS Trunk seal-gasket layed in channel, I chose to not glue it in and will add Centering 'Orange' Mark later.
d) SEM painted Factory dash, One single very small crack.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: x66 714 on December 20, 2024, 12:16:42 PM
You're doing great work. keep it up.....Joe
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 28, 2024, 06:30:54 AM
1-2 A-Arm Dust Shields (Driver Side GM / Pass Side Mastic Cut to size) for Comparisons. Staples fabricated from Med paper clips, 0.050" Nom dia, Bent, Bent with Round Nose Needle nose pliers to try to replicate the crimp, (*Partially successful) very difficult to do install, Best to perform this work on a Bench FWIW.
3-4 Body Plugs replated (Had to Do Zinc vice correct Galv.) and beige sealer applied. (* I am not liking the Red Fuel line Clip, I think the Orig were phosphate & NOT red)
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on December 28, 2024, 06:41:45 AM
Carpet Sills
While I ordered a Set of Trim Parts Reproductions,
I really looked at the  GM installed items and felt a Bit of Light cleaning with detergent w/o abrasive that the Originals were still worthy of install. So After more searching, I found a problem where the Alum had actually dissolved away, via a white powder and erosion. So I kept searching at Swap meets for a Take off Set. Not perfect but it took a while to source a pair that presented VERY well.

Misc Photos
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 03, 2025, 06:27:58 AM
I chose a simpler route for the Std Int Carpet underlayment.

Sourced a O.E.R. (Yellow Box) product, then in order to obtain a paper faced effect, I used a Brown Craft paper sourced from Big Box Stores and Bonded to cabin side of the tar plastic coated underlayment. Just a coating of Spray on glue and burnished set and then Used a Very sharp Exacto #11 blade to trim. Had to use gentle Heat to get the product to lay on the interior contours and shapes. This is a Cheaper method than the Preferred Dead Nuts On, Real McCoy product they offer.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on January 03, 2025, 06:49:22 AM
ACC Carpet Molded w/ Std backing. (RED)  (* Note sold in a Black-Yellow O.E.R Box, but a ACC Mfr & Part number) (I reused the Factory Dimmer sw Grommet, Also I prefer the Hole Punch method of clearance for Bolt -vs- long slits.)
Flocked Cardboard Glove Box & Added Glove Box Light. (*Interesting the Orange wire for the Glove Box light was found intact with a plastic insulator from the factory) Easy add.
REM (RED) Package tray, No holes
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on February 09, 2025, 04:53:02 AM
Got ALL the Door & Qtr Glass installed used a few VERY nice Youtube Vids out there for excellent resources for install order and adjust.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on February 21, 2025, 05:33:16 PM
N34 & D55
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: maroman on February 21, 2025, 07:06:28 PM
White with red interior makes a nice looking car.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: cook_dw on March 24, 2025, 07:53:36 PM
Looking great Jim.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 25, 2025, 05:35:37 AM
Seatbelts; Deluxe
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 25, 2025, 05:52:22 AM
Seats OEM Factory Orig covers cleaned up very well, not much you can do about the UV Damage, but I was shocked how well they cleaned up. I did have to replace a pair of the hinge covers and re-spray the driver rear plastic back from typical use scratches. Meguiar's vinyl and plastic cleaner and soft bristle brushes worked best. 
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 25, 2025, 06:20:52 AM
NOS GM 1968 STD Grill assy; Prep, deflash, masked, prep(SEM), Paint, Demask, Detail, Assy.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 25, 2025, 06:26:36 AM
I had success installing per the AIM instructions as published in the UPC for the grill as written. The Factory crimps on the Upper grill trim did require adjustment as the factory did not get the stud spacing correct (*Odd)

Photos of my Helper & myself; Passed all QA inspections by my (*Wife's)  Dog "Mr. Chevy"
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: x66 714 on March 25, 2025, 11:42:55 AM
That car is looking great Jim. I can see now that I need to redo my grill. Nice to see you have the end pieces that rivet to the grill. Lots of 68s are missing those after the years....Joe
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: DuWayne Ladner on March 25, 2025, 06:11:19 PM
Absolutely awesome car Jim, and thank you for sharing so much and sharing with us on a great forum sponsored by CRG. Just waiting for the finish up and it being shown show time. God Bless.
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 27, 2025, 04:48:06 AM
Thanks: DuWayne, Darrel, Joe & Maroman.

I have been making progress towards the July Target Finish Date & Coming out Party & Shows.

Joe, I used the AMK tubular rivets and Hanson Buck-Peening tooling to Set the rivets for the end brackets. After Blasting, Prime, Powder coating of course a bit of silver overspray from the grill painting also. The Brackets are marked with Big "C"'s on the back side.

More progress to post soon.

Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 27, 2025, 05:13:41 AM
Fuel-Gas Tank (Spectra Made in CA) Tern plated.  Restored Factory AC Delco 3/8" Fuel Pick up using Dorman Donor parts, ECS anti squeak pads, Anti Drum Pad, Repop Filler hose, Replated (*ZINC) 12/1967 Whittek tower clamps, Square tang Olive 3/8" spring clamps, Stamped 3/8" Hose, AMK Black Masking tape,
Title: Re: Introducing the "GILMORE" 1968 Z28
Post by: 169INDY on March 27, 2025, 05:16:02 AM
Tank associated - Filler GM Replated, Orig Gas Cap, Misc View Rear & Trunk.